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Amah Mutsun部落乐队

Amah Mutsun部落乐队

环境管理是这个部落身份的关键, 谁的领土包括蒙特利湾, 圣克鲁斯山脉, 以及硅谷的部分地区

看这印章 Amah Mutsun部落乐队 你会注意到一个美丽的蜂鸟在飞行的插图. 的 hummingbird plays a central role in the Amah Mutsun creation story 和 its prominence in tribal imagery symbolizes this 中央海岸 人类与自然世界的古老联系和持续承诺. 保护, 管理, 和 restoration of the environment that sustained their ancestors for more than 10,000年 is at the heart of Amah Mutsun identity 和 vital to the tribe’s future, 部落主席瓦伦丁·洛佩兹说.

“作为一个部落民族, we carry thous和s of years of indigenous science within us 和 know how to manage l和scapes, 野生动物, 水路, 和海洋,他说.  “的 coastal prairie of the 中央海岸 of California was one of the most biodiverse l和scapes in North America. 恢复bbin游戏官网祖先的知识是必要的, if we're going to 治愈自己 和 heal the l和 from the trauma that we both have experienced.”

的 traditional l和s of the Amah Mutsun部落乐队 encompass a region centered on the San Juan Valley between 除去 和 Hollister, 在哪里 these Ohlone people lived in 20 to 30 distinct village groups. 被称为 Popeloutchom阿玛·穆特森的领土从海岸延伸开来 蒙特雷湾, through 圣克鲁斯山脉, 和 north into southern parts of Silicon Valley. 

随着18世纪晚期西班牙人的到来, Amah Mutsun人从这些土地上流离失所, 被迫放弃他们的传统, 和奴役. 的y suffered further persecution under Mexican rule 和 after California came under the control of the 美国 in 1848. Huge numbers of the Amah Mutsun died from disease 和 brutal living conditions—as much as 98 percent of the population perished by the late 19th century. 

Lopez says the historic trauma suffered by the Amah Mutsun left today’s tribe facing numerous generational challenges. 这个部落的600名成员分散在加利福尼亚和西部, 据估计,80%的人生活在远离祖先土地的地方. 这个部落没有得到联邦政府的承认,也没有自己的土地基地, 尽管困难重重, 洛佩兹说,Amah Mutsun族人正在掌握自己的命运. 

“你知道,这是bbin游戏官网的时代,是bbin游戏官网回归的时代,”他说. “为了治愈地球母亲, 应对气候变化问题, 治愈自己, 求你恢复这地的圣洁, 恢复bbin游戏官网的传统知识. bbin游戏官网的仪式和歌曲. 所以作为一个部落,bbin游戏官网每天都在努力工作.”

参观加州本土,Amah Mutsun


2013年,该部落成立了 Amah Mutsun土地信托公司 作为“Amah Mutsun进入的交通工具”, 保护, 管理着与bbin游戏官网的身份和文化密不可分的土地,该信托网站称. 的 trust conducts research projects to promote Indigenous l和 management 和 launched the 土著管理团 to engage younger tribal members in environmental efforts 和 also help them develop professional 和 life skills.

部落为10到17岁的孩子们举办海岸管理夏令营, 在此期间, 本地管理员, 以及来自 加州州立公园 让年轻人重新回到他们传统的沿海土地上. 

营地包括日常文化学习和 语言 教训. “We have them work hard,” Lopez says, “but there’s also playtime built-in each day. bbin游戏官网可以去海边,bbin游戏官网可以去山上. 去年bbin游戏官网去了 蒙特利湾水族馆 他们为bbin游戏官网的年轻人设计了一个特别的项目. 太棒了,太棒了.” 

Lopez says the tribe is committed to providing its members with educational opportunities to keep traditions alive into future generations. “We have weekend programs 在哪里 our members can come in 和 learn different kinds of cultural applications,他说. “例如, we have weekends on how to make cordage—string 和 rope for nets 和 traps 和 basketry. 另一个领域是传统食品的加工和使用.”

在加州大学圣克鲁斯分校 植物园 & 植物园Amah Mutsun再学习计划 gives tribal members the chance to discover the native plants their ancestors used 和 cultivate the tribe’s traditional ecological knowledge. 洛佩兹说,这种对自然世界的理解基本上已经消失了.

他说:“bbin游戏官网要做的就是恢复这种认知。. “幸运的是,bbin游戏官网的最后一位传统领导者Ascención Solórsano与 J.P. 哈林顿他是一位民族学家和语言学家. Together they wrote over 78,000 pages of anthropological field notes 和 we have copies of it. 这些知识,加上bbin游戏官网与研究人员所做的工作,非常有帮助.”

洛佩兹说,该部落在佩斯卡德罗南部经营着一个本地苗圃, 在哪里, in 2022, 阿玛·穆特森繁殖了120个,000种植物, 其中许多是为了种子而种植的,以帮助山区栖息地的植被恢复. 他说,该部落种植了40多种植物, 其中大多数传统上被用作食用植物. 

作为部落对祖传土地承诺的一部分, 阿玛·穆特森人民奋力保护的家园 Juristac它是圣克鲁斯山脉山麓数千年来的圣地. 的 pristine area was the longtime site of ceremonies but is now threatened by a 403-acre open-pit s和-和-gravel mining operation. 

的 Amah Mutsun also strive to restore the health of both freshwater 和 marine environments. 在米尔克里克,8852英亩的土地上 圣维森特红杉保护区 附近 达文波特在那里,部落拆除了一座百年大坝,重新开放了科霍族的主要栖息地 鲑鱼和钢头鳟鱼. “米尔克里克是泉水喂养的,”洛佩兹说. 水很干净,很冷,这些都是理想的条件. 于是大马哈鱼回家了.”

随着 Tolowa Dee-ní NationResighini印第安人村落,和 斯图尔特角牧场的波莫印第安人的卡西亚部落在美国,Amah Mutsun部落是联合国的四个创始成员之一 部落海洋管理员网络 (TMSN). 的 network aims to promote tribal 管理 和 保护ion of ancestral coastal areas by using traditional ecological knowledge 和 through collaborations both among the tribes 和 with governmental agencies. As part of these efforts, Amah Mutsun is working on wetl和 restoration 和 monitoring at 鹿角泥沼 在蒙特利县.

探索Amah Mutsun的世界 

在一万九千英亩的土地上 蓝色山脉保护区 位于硅谷南部的圣克鲁斯山脉, 巫门山对阿玛·穆特森有着深刻的精神意义. 几十年来一直是空军雷达站的所在地, umunum山(意思是蜂鸟)于2017年重新向公众开放. 小路现在通向3号,486英尺的峰会, from which one can take in the full sweep of 蒙特雷湾 as well as the Sierra Nevada to the east 和 San Francisco to the north. Most of the old radar station’s buildings have been torn down 和 a sacred circle made of stone was constructed. “这是bbin游戏官网创造故事的一个地方, 对bbin游戏官网的人来说,这是一个非常神圣的地方,洛佩兹在为保护区拍摄的视频中说道. “What we wanted to do was to restore the sacredness 和 the prayers 和 the ceremonies to the mountain.”

At 尖峰国家公园 附近的孤独, tribe has worked with the National Park Service on eco-cultural restoration projects. 的se efforts are designed to promote the recovery of native plant species once used by the Amah Mutsun, 比如鹿草和白根莎草, 通过对传统生态知识的重新引入, 包括订明的文化烧伤. 的 加州秃鹫 (wasaka in the Amah Mutsun 语言) is sacred to the Amah Mutsun 和 the tribe has also collaborated with the park service on condor reintroduction projects at Pinnacles 和 to promote a greater appreciation of the role the birds play within the culture.

Año新州立公园 is 附近 the northern edge of the Amah Mutsun’s historic territory 和 includes the 225-acre 奎罗斯特山谷文化保护区. 的 tribe has worked with state park officials to employ traditional techniques to manage the preserve 和 on low-impact archaeological research to better underst和 the relationship of native people to the natural world.

虽然只有4岁.5英亩, 奇塔塔克-亚当斯遗产县公园 附近 吉洛伊 (在哪里 a middle school is named for Ascención Solósano) is the site of a village along Uvas Creek that was occupied for more than 3,000年. A park interpretive trail leads past petroglyphs 和 bedrock mortars 在哪里 the inhabitants ground acorns 和 other seeds.

Amah Mutsun土地信托公司也设计了 本地植物园,包括 城堡岩州立公园 和 圣胡安包蒂斯塔州立历史公园, 让公众了解部落用这些植物做篮子的方法, 药物, 和食物.


