函数OptanonWrapper(){窗口.dataLayer.push({event: ' onetrustgroupsupdate '})}书商卡洛兰·杜罗歌颂土著作家
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安静鹌鹑书店的老板, 一个在线和快闪书店, 前往战俘营和其他活动与读者联系

In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic put everyone’s life on hold, Carolann Duro decided to get busy. 杜罗,他是 Maara 'Yam (萨拉诺), Kumeyaay, 白色的降落, turned the quarantine into an opportunity to better educate herself about Native American literature.

“I wanted to challenge myself to read more Native authors’ literature because I realized that a lot of what I had previously read was really academic,杜罗说。, 斯克里普斯学院的毕业生 克莱蒙特. “I hadn’t read any fiction or novels that had a Native character or that was written by a Native author. 然后当我在我的 YouTube频道,有人建议把它变成 读书俱乐部. That’s when I started to get familiar with what was going on in the publishing industry. 我看到了对更多多元化作家的巨大推动. So there are a lot of opportunities, now more than ever, for Native people to write stories. bbin游戏官网,也为了bbin游戏官网.”

她的努力最终演变成 《bbin游戏官网》, 一个在线和快闪书店 that specializes in works by Indigenous authors. Whether you’re looking for fiction or nonfiction works by Native American authors, 包括著名的加州作家 格拉顿牧场的联邦印第安人 主席 叫做格雷格Sarris 普利策奖决赛选手 汤米橙色,杜罗的精心策划的选择是充满了发现.


杜罗认为,土著文字的复兴正在进行中, 随着越来越多的作家发表作品,他们的声音会接触到新的读者. “I’ve definitely seen more Native fiction and novels now—compared to my dad’s time. He was born in 1946 and had never read the kinds of works we’re reading today,她说。. “Just comparing his generation to mine, you can see a massive difference in Native publishing.”

“我之所以如此热爱阅读,我的父亲是一个很大的鼓舞. He grew up in a generation when going to college was not even in the realm of possibility for Native folks. It was more important to get out of poverty and focus on getting employment…My favorite thing that I hear from him is how even if he reads a story from a tribe that’s all the way across the 美国, 比如bbin游戏官网在明尼苏达州读奇佩瓦语的时候, 他仍然可以找到相似之处. Because we all have the same love and appreciation for the land and the living beings that are among us.”

Duro is also encouraged by the collection of works by Native trans authors and poets, 以及众多本土LGBTQ作家, especially during a time when she says trans and Queer rights are under increasing attack. 在 本土的骄傲 事件 洛杉矶, Duro showcased a table of works by Queer Native authors and was encouraged by the positive reaction: “It was really incredible to see that so many people loved looking at those selections.”


杜罗出生并成长在 圣贝纳迪诺 area, which she describes as a kind of midway point among Southern California’s diverse Native cultures. 她从小就去 战俘余 她和家人一起表演了传统的鸟舞. 杜罗在部落教育项目中了解了她的传统文化, 高中毕业后, she became “very passionate about my language” and started taking classes in Serrano. She has continued to study Serrano and works as a linguist in addition to operating Quiet Quail.

“在过去的几年里,我的技能提高了很多, to the point where I can live translate some stories or tellings that I’ve listened to with my dad,她说。. “I can sustain a full conversation with my elder and ask comprehension questions if I’m not clear. 但还有更多东西需要学习.”


虽然她最终希望开一家实体店, a big part of Duro’s mission with Quiet Quail is to take books directly to Native American readers in Southern California. “I decided to make it a pop-up because we definitely have a book desert in Native communities, 在没有很多接触文学的机会的地方,她说。. “而不是让顾客来找我, 我去战俘营拜访他们, 市场, 会议, 和博物馆.”

Duro says she has received an overwhelmingly positive response at appearances—and a pop-up bookstore spotlighting Indigenous authors is a definite departure among the other vendors and craftspeople on the Pow Wow circuit. Parents are happy to find Native-themed books for their children and some customers even drive to events specifically to browse Duro’s offerings.

“That’s still so mind-blowing to me, it’s really sweet that they’ll do that,杜罗说。. “There are also people who have no idea what’s going on and I’m brand new to them. It’s really cool for them to see that there are enough Native authors to fill up three tables and a bookshelf. 他们很想了解更多.”


bbin游戏官网请杜罗推荐以加州为主题的印第安人书籍. 以下是她最喜欢的几个,以及她的评论:

知道bbin游戏官网在这里 特拉·史密斯编辑 

—Diverse voices across California 印度n country that remind readers how present we still are in everyday life and have never left. 

bbin游戏官网为你而舞 作者:Cutcha Risling Baldy

—Informative history and contemporary revitalization of California 印度n women’s coming-of-age ceremonies and how they were targeted by early settler colonization. 

《坏印第安人:部落回忆录 黛博拉·A. 米兰达 

全面的, 个人, and mixed-media look at how the California mission system impacted California’s Indigenous peoples. 

大时代的土狼  林恩·里斯林

—Adorable children’s book that recounts the importance of the coyote across California 印度n cultures. 

士兵未知 作者:Chag Lowry和Rahsan Ekedal(插画师)

—Beautiful comic that details the unknown history of Yurok and other California 印度n soldiers in World War I, 在他们被视为公民之前. 


