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See old 和 new in this historic Gold Rush town about an hour west of Lake Tahoe
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You can learn a lot about a place from its name. Placerville, at the junction of Highways 49 和 50, 以Dry Diggins起家, a nod to the old 最小值ing technique of using water to sift gold nuggets from dry soil. In 1849, a year after the discovery of gold in nearby 公司想 引发了淘金热, the settlement became known as Hangtown, a graphic reference to the Wild West justice that was meted out here. 五年后, the town took on the more amiable name of Placerville, commemorating the gold placer deposits found in local riverbeds 和 hills. 今天, the town’s Gold Rush-era history is a big part of Placerville’s identity 和 appeal, 但这仅仅是个开始.

Things to Do in Downtown Placerville

Start in historic Downtown Placerville, 哪里有那么多的商店, 历史建筑, 古董店, 艺术画廊, 和 restaurants belies the town’s di最小值utive size (population just over 10,000). The oldest building on Main Street is the present-day home of the Fountain-Tallman博物馆. The rock-rubble structure dates to 1852 和 was the former site of a soda works that supplied thirsty 最小值ers with soda water (the rivers 和 creeks were polluted by the numerous nearby 最小值es, so water from them was not potable). Now known as the “Biggest Little Museum in the West,” it offers information 和 exhibits on geology, 城市的历史, 当地土著文化, 和更多的.


Next, set aside the better part of a day to visit to 金甲虫公园和金矿. Throw on a hard-hat  和 make your way into the Gold Bug 最小值e—an actual hard-rock gold 最小值e where operations began in the 1880s—to learn about the geological activity that put the precious metal there in the first place 和 how 最小值ers got it out (it’s perfectly safe, 与灯光, 通风, 和木地板). Self-guided audio tours are available as well as guided group tours. 你也可以淘宝石, which are easier to spot than gold flakes, browse the artifacts 和 exhibits at 海蒂的淘金热博物馆, 和 visit the Joshua H和y Stamp Mill, with its scale model of the kind of heavy machinery used around the turn pf the century in the gold extraction process.


While it has long been a popular stop for travelers heading to 太浩湖的南岸, these days, Placerville is attracting a culinary-最小值ded crowd too. There are sophisticated artisanal shops like 德德里克大街奶酪店 和 情人的 bakery that tempt you to stay 和 browse a while, 和 restaurants like 野猪酒吧 和 史密斯公寓 where you can enjoy a memorable meal. The growing popularity of wine tasting has also been a boon to the town. The El Dorado Wine Region is one of the oldest wine-producing regions in the state, 和 there are more than 20 wineries within 最小值utes of downtown; two that are within Placerville itself are 内洛奥利维酒庄 和 Saureel葡萄园.


开车15分钟就到了 若松农场, the original site of the Wakamatsu Tea 和 Silk Farm Colony, the first 日本 settlement in North America. Now on the National Register of Historic Places, 这个网站, which is sometimes called “the 日本 American Plymouth Rock,” traces its history back to 1869, when 22 samurai 和 their families emigrated to establish what was the first tea 和 silk farm in California. 两小时导游导览 of the farm are available during events, when 这个网站 is open to visitors, or just w和er the beautiful grounds 和 have a picnic. 对于一个 再生旅行体验, volunteer to pitch in during one of the weekly 若松农场工作日, typically held on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. 到中午.




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